
PPC Workshop with Women members of Political Parties

The PPC in collaboration with Democracy Reporting Internations GmBh, an EU funded project and the United Nations Intergrated Electoral Asssistance Team holds a 3-day workshop at Imperial Plaza Hotel from 19th-21st June 2011 on ‘Sensitisation of Women Members of Political Parties in relation to the elections

The Workshop which was officially opened by Hon. Aya Warrille, Minister for Gender, Child and Social Welfare, aimed at empowering female political party representatives through awareness creation in meeting requirements on the Political Parties Act ,2012 (as Amended), 2022. Opening Remarks were also made by Mr.Darren Nuance, Chief – UN Integrated Electoral Assistance Team (UN IEAT) ,Mr.Lothar Jaschke, European Union (EU) Acting Head of Delegation, Hon.Dr.Lona Luduro, the Political Parties Council (PPC) Deputy Chairperson and Hon. Commissioner Tabu. A. Ajing of the National Election Commission(NEC).

A total of 67 women drawn from various political parties attended the workshop with key presentations presented by the Hon. Tabu from NEC, Oyet Patrick, member of National Constitution Review Commission (NCRC), Hon. Dr.Lorna Luduro, Deputy Chairperson of the PPC , Hon. Dr.Peter Lemi, Executive Secretary of PPC,  Lt. Col. Harriet Fouzia (SSPDF), Director of the National Security Sector Women’s Network and Vedad Imsirovic – Gender Officer UN-IEAT.
Over the 3 days participants engaged in fruitful discussions and dialogue on the role of women in political parties and measures towards promoting participation of all women in the electoral process.
Hon. Angelina Teny the Minister for Interior graced the occasion on the last day to give her special remarks and the workshop officially closed by the PPC Chairperson , Hon, Eng. James Akol.
Previous Political Parties Council allocates SSP1.5bn to eligible parties

The Political Parties Council is mandated to register and/or deregister, regulate and monitor activities of political parties under Section 21 of the Political Parties Act, 2012 as (amended) 2022

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