
Orientation Workshop for Political Parties Council Staff

The PPC held and Orientation Workshop for its Staff members on Registration of Political Parties at Pyramid Hotel on 1st February 2024.

The 1-day Orientation Workshop was organized in collaboration with the UNDP and UN-IEAT at Pyramid Hotel on 1st February 2024 .The Workshop  was officially opened by the Deputy Chairperson of the PPC, opening remarks provided by Costanza Lucangeli, Chief Technical Advisor-UNDP South Sudan Electoral Support(SSES) Project/Deputy Chief-UN Integrated Electoral Assistance Team(UN-IEAT) and closed by the Chairperson of the Council bringing together Senior Staff of the Council . The workshop was aimed at empowering staff and providing an understanding of regulations and procedures applicable for the registration of political parties.

Participants were able to discern priorities underpinning the  legal and regulatory framework, discuss ways to improve the registration process and identify critical responsibilities and at the end of the one day orientation developed an action plan for the registration exercise, workflow  and checklist defining roles and responsibilities.

The Political Parties Council is mandated to register and/or deregister, regulate and monitor activities of political parties under Section 21 of the Political Parties Act, 2012 as (amended) 2022

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Republic of South Sudan

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