
In-depth Of The Political Parties Code Of Conduct Act 2024

The Political Parties Code of Conduct Act 2024 outlines a comprehensive framework designed to foster a fair and democratic political environment in South Sudan, reinforcing principles of integrity, tolerance, and national unity during elections. Grounded in the constitution and building on the Political Parties Act of 2012, this legislation empowers the Political Parties Council to establish key rules governing political conduct before, during, and after elections.

Objectives of the Code of Conduct: the primary aim of the Code is to create a fair, conducive atmosphere for democratic elections, fostering tolerance for political debate and ensuring that individuals and groups can express their views freely. It also emphasizes the promotion of national unity, nationalism, and patriotism, crucial elements in strengthening the country’s democratic fabric.

Political parties are bound by the Code to: Uphold and respect its provisions; take concrete steps to prevent violations by their leaders and members; actively discourage and avoid any breach of conduct; and show mutual respect for political opponents, ensuring peaceful coexistence throughout the electoral process.

About key Principles of the Code, Political parties have a duty to provide voters with accurate and honest information that empowers them to make informed, independent choices about candidates and policies.

Free and Fair Voting: Parties are required to ensure that voters can cast their votes freely, without undue influence, fear, intimidation, or bribery.

Respect for the Will of Voters: the actions and behaviours of political parties must reflect and respect the will of the voters.

All registered political parties are expected to adhere to the following guiding rules: respect and defend the Constitution; must operate within the framework of the Constitution of South Sudan, promoting the country’s legal and democratic structures; Promote National Unity and Patriotism; strengthen nationalism, peace, and patriotism, fostering a spirit of unity and collaboration in building the nation; uphold Human Rights and Rule of Law; defending human rights and the rule of law is essential, ensuring that political processes do not infringe on the rights of any group or individual; engage in promoting free, fair, and credible elections while respecting democratic principles and maintaining the integrity of the electoral process; should be afforded equal access to state-owned media, allowing a fair platform for communication and outreach; must conduct themselves with integrity, avoiding actions that could undermine the electoral system or erode public trust.

Prohibited Behaviours: The Code also outlines several actions and behaviours that political parties must avoid to ensure a peaceful and credible election process.

 Use of Defamatory or Abusive Language: Parties should refrain from using language that may insult or defame others, fostering a climate of respect; promotion of Violence or Intimidation; parties must avoid any acts that promote or provoke violence, or intimidate candidates, supporters, or opponents; bribery and Corruption; engaging in bribery, influence-peddling, or any corrupt practices is strictly prohibited; ethnic Incitement, parties should avoid any form of speech or actions that could incite ethnic hatred or violence; misuse of Political Party Funds, parties must reject illicit or illegal funding, particularly from the Political Parties Fund, which is to be used solely for legal purposes; use of Weapons at Political Gatherings, political gatherings should remain peaceful, and parties must refrain from carrying or displaying firearms or other weapons; online Hate Speech, the use of cyberspace to promote hate speech or inflammatory content is strictly forbidden; destruction of Campaign Materials, political parties and their supporters must not disfigure or destroy the political or campaign materials of their opponents.

In conclusion

The Political Parties Code of Conduct Act 2024 is a crucial instrument in ensuring that the political landscape of South Sudan remains respectful, fair, and democratic. It mandates that political parties and their members conduct themselves in ways that uphold the integrity of the electoral process, the constitution, and the rule of law, while safeguarding national unity, peace, and respect for human rights.

This framework will serve as the foundation for South Sudan’s future political stability and democratic growth.

Previous PPC awards Registration certificates to 15 political parties

The Political Parties Council is mandated to register and/or deregister, regulate and monitor activities of political parties under Section 21 of the Political Parties Act, 2012 as (amended) 2022

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